"KARMEL OVERSEES LTD": Travel company | phone:(312) 28-16-62 |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"KARMEL": Public charitable fund. | phone:(312) 28-93-05 |
Address: 33-83 Ivanitsyn St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"KINA": Rent of flats | phone:(312) 658-51-05 |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"KIRGIZ CONCEPT": Tourism, rest | phone:(996312) 66-13-31 |
Address: 100 Razzakov St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"KIRGIZ STYLE": Centre of traditional and modern cultures development. | phone:(312) 28-27-02 |
Address: 53 Moscovskaya St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"KUPI-PRODAI": Advertising company | phone:(3312) 60-08-05 |
Address: 141 Sovetskaya St., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720021 |
"KURULUSH-BANK": Bank services | phone:(312) 21-97-43 |
Address: 28 Manas St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"KYRGHYZ STAMP": Business | phone:(312) 61-14-33 |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"KYRGYZINSTRAKH": Insurance company | phone:(996312) 21-95-54 |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"KYRGYZPRESS": News agency | phone:(3312) 22-15-66 |
Address: 175 Sovetskaya St., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720011 |
"KYRGYZSTAN - FREE FROM SMOKING": Giving up smoking. | phone:(312) |
Address: 3 Togolok-Moldo St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"KYRGYZSTAN-GROUND OF TRUST", ALLIANCE: Strengthening of health of Kirgizia population, improvement of environment conditions. | phone:(312) |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"KYRSAL": Public fund of initiatives support in field of education | phone:(312) 28-08-74 |
Address: 42 Firsov St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"LABEON FINANCE", FINANCIAL COMPANY: Financial consulting | phone:(3312) |
Address: 41a Zhukeyev-Pudovkin St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"LAZA", LLC: Production of metal constructions | phone:(312) 25-69-86 |
Address: 1 Intergelpo St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"LEADER": Propagation of healthy way of life | phone:(996339) 54-1-84 |
Address: 15 Gagarin St., Kara-Kul, Kirgizia, 722360 |
"LEGION-PRESS", ADVERTISING AND INFORMATION AGENCY: Advertising and information activity | phone:(312) 22-39-92 |
Address: 10-25 Togoloko Moldo St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"LINGVO": Educational centre | phone:(312) |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720040 |
"LUX": Gas and boiler equipment | phone:(312) 29-53-80 |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"M&M": Business | phone:(132) 21-37-34 |
Address: 42 Isanov St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
List: 1...6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | ...21 |