"GETA": Trade of autotyres of Russian and import manufacture | phone:(312) 28-72-35 |
Address: 2 Lermontov st., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"GLASS-WORKS": Industrial production | phone:(312) 67-00-27 |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"GLAVTOUR, BISHKEK", AGENCY: Travel services | phone:(312) 22-12-53 |
Address: 93 Toktogula St., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720040 |
"GLOU", PUBLIC FUND: Social help to girls. | phone:(312) 24-96-09 |
Address: 6-86 Tsiolkovsky St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"GREENWOMEN", INFORMATION AGENCY: Protection of environment | phone:(312) 28-69-69 |
Address: 208 Sovetskaya St., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720040 |
"GRIFF-MEDIA", CO.: Advertising services | phone:(3522) 412-711 |
Address: 41 Krasin St., Naryn, Narynskaya obl., Kirgizia, 640000 |
"GUNEL PVC LUX", LLC: Construction | phone:(312) 66-57-75 |
Address: 70A Lev Tolstoy St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"HELP AND COOPERATION", PUBLIC FUND: Public organization | phone:(312) |
Address: 18-6 12th Microdistrict, Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"HIT-FM BISHKEK", RADIO: Regional broadcast equipment of Moscow radio station "Hit-FM". | phone:(996-312) 68-10-56 |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"INFORMATION AND RESOURCE CENTRE", PUBLIC FUND: Information and advisory services to legal and physical persons of area. | phone:(3230) 22-2-61 |
Address: 2 Lenin St., 2 Lenin St., Eski-Nookat, Oshskaya obl., Kirgizia |
"INFOTECH-XXI": Internet | phone:(3722) 56-8-24 |
Address: 24 Toktogulya St., Zhalal-Abad, Zhalal-Abadskaya obl., Kirgizia |
"INSTITUTE OF REGIONAL RESEARCHES": Research activity, civil education, trainings. | phone:(312) 28-17-71 |
Address: 1880 POB, Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720000 |
"INTARSIA", LLC: Upholstered furniture | phone:(312) |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"INTER ALLIANCE LTD.": Representative office | phone:(996) 312210808 |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"INTER-TORG CO.LTD", FOREIGN TRADE COMPANY: Exclusive tea import from India | phone:( 996 - 312 ) 46 - 4585 |
Address: 6-9V Toktonaliyeva St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"INTERBILIM", INTERNATIONAL CENTRE: Strengthening of "third sector" by means of strengthening of association opportunities | phone:(312) 66-04-25 |
Address: 2-16 Razzakov St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"INTERGLASS", LLC: Trade of glass | phone:(3138) 55-7-34 |
Address: Tokmak, Chuyskaya obl., Kirgizia, 722200 |
"INTERNATIONAL CARGO SERVICE": Trade activity | phone:(312) 21-35-76 |
Address: Of. 207-390, Frunze St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"INTERNET-MARKET": Internet shop | phone:(312) 68-09-70 |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
List: 1...4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | ...21 |