"ERIDAN", ADVERTISING AND INFORMATION AGENCY: Advertising company | phone:(3312) 27-28-82 |
Address: 133 Orozbekov St., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720000 |
"ERKIN": Rent of dacha | phone:(312) |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"ESEN": We look for premises for office | phone:(312) 77-31-88 |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"ETERNAL BOOK": Rest | phone:(312) 22-19-10 |
Address: 40 Manas Av., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720001 |
"EURASIA": Production of fruit mashed potatoes and food stuffs | phone:(312) |
Address: 72 Toktogula St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"EUREKA-AUDIT": Audits/taxes | phone:(996-312) 42-77-28 |
Address: 3-18 Mira Av., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"EXNET ISP": Internet provider | phone:(312) 66-58-18 |
Address: 5a Karasuiskaya St., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720017 |
"EXNET ISP": Internet provider | phone:(312) 66-58-18 |
Address: 5a Karasuyskaya St., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720017 |
"EXOTIC TOUR": Travel company | phone:(312) 29-58-63 |
Address: 49 Zhibek Zholu Av., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"EXPRESS-INFO": Travel company | phone:(3312) 54-30-37 |
Address: Of. 317, 6, Kamskaya St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"FEDERAL EXPRESS": Express service | phone:(312) 65-00-12 |
Address: 217 Moscovskaya St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"FERASCO": Production of plastic wall and seiling panels | phone:(996-312) 21-19-84 |
Address: Of. 109, 40, Manas St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"FERASKO", LLC: Plastic decorative panels | phone:(312) 21-19-84 |
Address: 40 Manas Av., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720001 |
"FERASKO", LLC: Rubber and plastic | phone:(312) 21-19-84 |
Address: 109-40 Manas Av., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"FIYERD": "Dyubek", Kirghiz tobacco | phone:(996517) 79-01-36 |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"FLYERS": Education, courses | phone:(312) 21-18-56 |
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"FOR CIVIL SOCIETY": Public organization | phone:(312) 22-09-00 |
Address: 1451 POB, of. 9, 27, Erkindik St., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720040 |
"FOR INTERNATIONAL TOLERANCE", FUND: Prevention of interethnic conflicts in frontier communities of Kyrgyzstan. | phone:(312) 22-22-33 |
Address: 116/8 Orozbekov St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"FUND OF LEGAL PROBLEMS": Assistance in formation of society legal system | phone:(312) 67-03-16 |
Address: 70 Bakinskaya St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
"FX MERIT": Dealing centre | phone:(312) 22-34-45 |
Address: 189A Tynystanov St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
List: 1...3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ...21 |