STATE COMMISSION ATTACHED TO GOVERNMENT OF KIRGIZIA ON DRUGS CONTROL: Main state governmental agency | phone:(996312) 21-04-45 |
Address: 63 Razzakov St., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720040 |
susastova: | phone:123456 |
Address: Malaysia |
Tester321: | phone: |
Address: |
UKRAINE EMBASSY IN KIRGIZIA: Embassy | phone:(996-312) 66-55-90 |
Address: 150 Panfilov St., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720040 |
UNESCO FACULTY OF ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION AND NATURAL SCIENCES: Educational activity | phone:(3312) 21-87-73 |
Address: 104 Manas Av., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720024 |
UNESCO FACULTY ON ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION: Educational activity | phone:(3312) 21-87-73 |
Address: 104 Manas Av., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720024 |
UNION OF EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS, ASSOCIATION: Assistance in development of educational establishments. | phone:(312) 54-29-63 |
Address: 6B Dushanbinskaya St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
UNION OF KIRGIZIA SCIENTISTS: Development of fundamental science, improvement of education, social protection and support of scien | phone:(312) 43-12-55 |
Address: 68 Pushkin St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
UNION OF RURAL WOMEN OF ISSYK-KULSKAYA OBLAST: Improvement of social and economic conditions of rural women life. | phone:(3922) |
Address: Karakol, Issyk-Kulskaya obl., Kirgizia |
VSTRAVEL": Travel company | phone:(996312) 66-17-73 |
Address: 175 Sovetskaya St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
WaldosM: RzEJlrbJvqrCRUhkOGQ | phone:24134575486 |
Address: |
Wolf1651: None | phone:None |
Address: |
WOMEN IN MASS-MEDIA OF CENTRAL ASIA: Support of women-journalists | phone:(312) |
Address: 41-208 Sovetskaya St., Bishkek, Kirgizia |
Women NGO Tendesh: Help women & children and crisis centre for Women from Naryn town in Kyrygzstan | phone:+996 (03522) 502-70 |
Address: str.Kyrgyz home#31, room-3 |
xzmagu: wMIprqOahoQXnJwGl | phone:YIhcudGMMr |
Address: QkUpOjqATM |
YOUTH BRANCH OF REGIONAL REMEDIAL ORGANIZATION "VALIDITY": Protection of rights and freedom of person, education of mass sense of justice. | phone:(3732) |
Address: 23 Kurenkeyev St., Dzhalal-Abad, Dzhalal-Abadskaya obl., Kirgizia |
ZAP: ZAP | phone:9999999999 |
Address: ZAP |
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