YASPIS, PRIVATE COMPANY: Souvenirs, jewels, subjects of art. | phone:(812)5420801 |
Address: 2 Kondratiyevsky Av., Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 195009 |
YAT-30/8, ORGANIZATION: Production of metal containers | phone:(07531)65383 |
Address: Zelyeny village, Rasskazovsky rayon, Tambovskaya oblast, Russia, 393265 |
YaTaxiRuss: | phone:83626533119 |
Address: Россия |
YATMANOV D. A.: Computer services | phone:(3912)60-48-96 |
Address: Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsky Krai, Russia |
YAVA - REFUELLING - SERVICE: Filling station | phone:(3432)758692 |
Address: 425-3 generalskaya St., District: Vtuzgorodok, UPI, Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovskaya obl., Russia, 620062 |
YAVA - TOUR: Tourist agencies | phone:(3432)494491 |
Address: 107-104 Pervomayskaya St., District: Vtuzgorodok, UPI, Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovskaya obl., Russia, 620049 |
YAYVA WOOD PROCESSING PLANT: Saw-timbers of GOST 9302-83 and GOST 8486-86, coniferous and deciduous soils | phone:(34274) 2-15-55 |
Address: 11 Zavodskaya St., Yayva settlement, Permskaya oblast, Russia, 618340 |
ybenzmx: | phone:123456 |
Address: america |
YE-INTERNATIONAL: Sale of electronic components | phone:(812)324-40-53 |
Address: Of. 426, 5, Torzhkovskaya St., Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 197342 |
YEAST PLANT: Plant | phone:(3952)33-27-57 |
Address: 12 Tsesovskaya river bank, Irkutsk, Irkutskaya obl, Russia, 664000 |
YEDINSTVO, NEWSPAPER: Advertising, information | phone:(8552) 34-13-29 |
Address: 190, 80, Naberezhnochelninsky Av., Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, 423827 |
YEFIMOV, PRIVATE ENTERPRISE: Automobiles | phone:(8552)342096 |
Address: 810 Chelnygorstroy, Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, 423827 |
YEISK: Society and politics. Regions | phone:(095) |
Address: Moscow, Russia |
YELAN, COMPANY, LLC: Advertising services | phone:9540199 |
Address: 95 Leninskiy Av., Moscow, Russia, 117313 |
YELENA, LLC: Advertising agency | phone:(095)292-81-89 |
Address: 9 B.Dmitrovka St., Moscow, Russia, 103009 |
YELENA, PRODUCTION FIRM, LLC: Plastic: products | phone:(812)5675423 |
Address: 109 Obukhovskaya Oborona Av., Saint-Petersburg, Russia |
YELINSKY FOOD COMBINE: Producer of meat and dairy canned food | phone:(095) 933-67-12 |
Address: Moscow, Russia |
YELLOW PAGES - TOMSKTELECOM: Polygraphic services | phone:(3822) 424342 |
Address: 32 Kulev St., Tomsk, Tomskaya Obl., Russia, 634000 |
YELNYA HISTORICAL & LOCAL LORE MUSEUM: Museum | phone:(08146) 4-1068 |
Address: 66 International St., Yelnya, Smolenskaya obl., Russia, 216330 |
YENISEI INTEGRATED BANK, JOINT-STOCK INVESTMENT BUSINESS BANK: Banking accomodation | phone:(3912) 66-05-88 |
Address: 62 Karl Marx St., Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsky krai, Russia, 660049 |
List: 1...15827 | 15828 | 15829 | 15830 | 15831 | 15832 | 15833 | ...15854 |