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Type of act.: 
"YOUNG LAWYERS OF SOUTH": Public association. phone:(3222) 56-3-29
Address: Osh, Oshskaya obl., Kirgizia
"YOUTH DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT", PUBLIC ASSOCIATION: Complex programs of youth initiatives development and support phone:(312) 21-55-11
Address: 75 Ryskulov St., Bishkek, Kirgizia
"YOUTH REMEDIAL GROUP": Public organization phone:(996312) 68-13-70
Address: 1893 POB, Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720000
"YRYS": Charitable fund of Kirghizia women-cinematographers social support phone:(312)
Address: 1 Dinara Asanova St., Bishkek, Kirgizia
"YRYSZHAN": Help to needy layers of population, large families, lonely mothers, pensioners. phone:(312)
Address: 74-77 Tokttogula St., Bishkek, Kirgizia
"ZHASH-ORDO", CENTRE OF YOUTH INITIATIVES: Assistance of youth initiatives realization, protection of young people rights, consultation. phone:(312) 22-24-33
Address: 58a Chartykulsky Lane, Bishkek, Kirgizia
"ZHETI-OGUZ AIYMY": Women public association. phone:(3946)
Address: 45 Bazarnaya St., 45 Bazarnaya St., Kyzyl-Suu, Issyk-Kulskaya obl., Kirgizia
"ZHEZ OIMOK", PUBLIC WOMEN ORGANIZATION: Protection of women rights; assistance to women and youth professional skills development. phone:(3138)
Address: 27 Tsentralnaya St., Efironos, Chuiskaya obl., Kirgizia
"ZHIBEK ZHOLU TRANS-ASIATIC FAIR", LSC: Exhibition phone:(3312) 24-70-81
Address: Of. 2, 244, Toktogul St., Bishkek, Kirgizia
'BEREKE LTD': Production of knitted products phone:(3138) 51-4-47
Address: 17 Panfilov St., Tokmok, Kirgizia, 722004
'DIAMOND': Social association phone:(312) 666827
Address: 241/23 Panfilov St., Bishkek, Kirgizia
'GARANT', COMPUTER SERVICE: Sale of rectifier units TVR-1600/12; TV - 1600/24; TV - 3150/12 phone:(3138) 61-7-72
Address: Tokmok, Kirgizia
'GERMES LTD', LLC: Trade activity phone:(0996312) 544 144
Address: 54-33 Ibraimov St., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720021
'KARLSSON TRAVEL': Travel company phone:(996312) 600-507
Address: 9 Manas Av., Bishkek, Kirgizia
'LABORATORY OF IFA AND PCR-ANALYSIS ': Medical laboratory diagnostics. phone:(996312) 54-19-17
Address: Bishkek, Kirgizia
'LEADER', CENTRE OF CIVIL INITIATIVES, LLC: Centre of civil society support phone:(3922) 54-1-84
Address: 6-142 Abdrakhmanov St., Karakol, Issyk-Kulskaya obl., Kirgizia, 722360
'MAILUU-SUUSKY ELECTROLAMP PLANT', PLC: Production of electric filament lamps phone:(3744) 21-8-33
Address: 210 Lenin St., Mauluu-Suu, Zhelal-Abadskaya obl., Kirgizia, 715420
'MAXIMUM': Radio station phone:(312) 23-18-11
Address: 1/2 Auezova St., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720083
'REKLA': Advertising agency phone:+996 (312) 544860
Address: 36 Baityk Baatyr str., Bishkek, Kirgizia, 720005
'SAIMANet': Telecommunications phone:(612) 60-00-00
Address: 121 Chuy Av., Bishkek, Kirgizia
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